Trainz A New Era SP2. Trainz A New Era Service Pack 2 TANE SP2 is a free update for all TANE owners and delivers a huge range of updates, enhancements and improvements from the original TANE release in May 2. SP1 released in Jan 2. Sdhc Format Software there. History. A staple of Southern California car culture for many years, the Landmaster was parked in full view next to Dean Jeffries automotive shop on Cahuenga. Trainz 2006 Full Version' title='Trainz 2006 Full Version' />Trainz 2006  Full VersionTrainz is a series of 3D train simulator computer games originating in 2001, now controlled and offered by Australian game developer N3V Games originally developed. Mathworks Matlab R2008a. TransDEM Trainz Edition. TransDEM Trainz Edition is a dedicated version of TransDEM, enhanced with specific export functionality for N3V Auran Trainz A New Era T. Trainz Community News. Page 4. 2010 Route Building Competition By John King The contestants were asked to design a route of between 3 and 8 baseboards.